Saturday, May 9, 2009

Red Mite

2009 05 04_0709

2009 05 04_0710

It was on a paper on the classroom, we thought it was a spider.
Now I belive it is a ugly red mite! Yuk

European red mitePanonychus ulmi, a major tree fruit pest attacking apples, stone fruits, and pears, is considered by many growers throughout Pennsylvania to be one of the most important apple pests. The mite was introduced into North America from Europe in the early 1900s and is now established in most fruit-growing areas.

Camera Critters


chrome3d said...

That mite is really good at drawing!

Juliana said... little ;)

My entry this week: in HERE. I hope that you can stop by as well. Thanks

Unknown said...

Where there is one there are more !!! :-)

Snap said...


Digital Polaroids said...

Wow!!! Good shot, being so small!

Ladynred said...

What a cute little mite. Nice color!
Happy Mother's Day!


What a tiny little thing! Nice capture of such a small mite!

Martha said...

Love your blog :-)

Mom Knows Everything said...

Tiny little thing! I thought it was a spider at first too.

Anonymous said...

Tiny - but it picked a good colour to be!

b13 said...

That is a cool macro. I've always wanted to take pics of those but never had my macro handy.

Come check out my bees :)

Deborah Godin said...

Oh yeah, I take a couple of those critters out of the gene pool every year - they're itchy!

Mite Hunter said...

It might be a mite, but then again, it might not be a mite, however, I do believe it is a mite, a mighty mite, not a spider.

Susan Cook said...

If that is what I think it is we used to have tons of those crawling all over our stone wall when I was growing up. If you squish them you get red stuff on you. TFS

storyteller said...

Now that's a TINY critter for sure!
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

They breed on Christmas trees, spruce.